Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blog isn't that Famous Anymore

I had a blog long time ago. When I was a student in vocational high school. I wrote stories, all of them never had an ending. All because I never had the confident that my story was worth continuing. However, I still write yet another story. I never stop creating new ones and never stop cutting in the middle. This is probably millennial problem. Maybe not. What I knew is I should stop thinking low of my own stories and just get them all out.

Now, there were such a few option to publish a story. Wattpad wasn't there. Instagram wasn't there. Oh, my bad, we cannot write a lot in instagram. That is not the point of course. What were there, really, were blog and, which is super difficult to access nowadays, and, its sister. I had published my works in those two platforms, and since blog was popular back then, I thought, why not?

Of course I was too lazy to promote my own writing and soon after I forgot that I even have one xD

It was obvious too why I forgot. No one talked about having a blog. No one even had a blog. Come on, I came from a village like the rest of Indonesian kids. Most of us didn't even have internet in our phone or our home. Internet cafe was too precious to waste on looking some blog we didn't really need to read (oh we opened blog alright, if we have group task and the like).

Now, compare it to the nowadays kids and teenagers. Most have phones. Most have internet. They are free to explore the world far away from the small village with the busy farmers they come from. And again, since they do not have to worry about how precious 'money for their internet' are, they are free to choose what to read too--or watch.

It all actually begun with facebook, kids learn to read statuses, posts in it and they then knew the term 'social media'. 4G came and with it the internet became even cheaper. Internet cafe has gradually gone, substituted by cafe providing WiFi, where you can just buy a cup of coffee and you are then welcome to unlock the WiFi using the password given.

Now, with all of that, kids chose to watch youtube instead of reading online blogs. Teenagers chose to play online games than opening up social media.

You see, blog is not famous. Ask kids in the street and tell them to mention a blog they know of, Tell me what they say :)

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